Blogging is a timeline of shared information. It is a conversation between one person and a wider, unknown audience. It is just as valid if the audience is the blogger alone.

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My Relationship with Blogging

I began blogging in the early 2000’s using Radioland. I met many interesting people online. There was a way to “trackback” and reference the original post when you posted about what another had said. This seems to have fallen away and it’s hard to have those conversations.

My Decision to Stop Blogging has clearly been overturned. I think I’ve found a way to mix blogging and notes within The Quantum Garden. My sense is that blogging is sharing the process of live thinking which provides context, and notes are the knowledge that come from that. I have 128 notes that mention “blogging” so there is a hidden importance to delve into. Many discuss my on-again/off-again relationship with the practice. For it is a practice. Some of my struggles have involved:

  • Confidentiality
  • Habit
  • Writing for the wrong audience
  • The balance between sharing ideas and sharing instructions with all the background needed to handle that. Maggie’s article linked above specifies an assumed audience. I can use that more.
    • ”People who have heard of GPT-3 / ChatGPT, and are vaguely following the advances in machine learning, large language models, and image generators. Also people who care about making the web a flourishing social and intellectual space.”

What I’ve Written About Blogging

The Practice


Articles I’ve Not Yet Processed