Week 2 of my experiment taking Friday’s off work. The first four weeks are annual leave but I hope to be able to move that to a permanent work arrangement thereafter. The goal is to allow me to relax and pursue that which makes my heart sing.

My last blog entry

My Wednesday blog entry generated a “Page Not Found” 404 error and may not have shown up in your feed. It provides some context for this entry. Access it at Now, 15 May 2024.

I noticed that during the week I was looking forward to yesterday. Not just for the time off which would be expected, but I was actively planning what to do. I have not planned a weekend in living memory unless there was something pressing planning me.

The freedom to do what I wanted was exhilarating and provided a level of recovery in itself. I didn’t get everything planned that I wanted. Managed to side-track myself quite easily by partnering my wife on her daily flower delivery run and looking into email aliases, but I did manage two good pieces of writing.

  • We Need Space to Think - an exploration of the benefits I was feeling in the moment from having the Thinking Space I so sorely needed
  • Blogging - an updated Map of content that brought all my thinking to the one page. I don’t think I have MOCs fully nutted out and working for me yet. This page felt better and less like a list of links.

I’m writing this early on Saturday morning and yesterday’s writing was early in the day as well. It feels like a familiar pattern. I’ll keep any eye on that.