4 conversations about this topic.

  • Letters with Jason

    In June I took part in a social experiment with Jason Becker as part of his Letters Project. He has been corresponding with people using email, in letter form, for many months now. We each posted our letters online. How I First Learned About the Project - 29 January 2023 This morning I read a series of letters between Robb Knight and Jason Becker.

  • The Search for Clarity

    More and more, I’m finding my role in conversation is to help others reach clarity. Despite their best attempts to avoid it at all costs.

    • The Indicators of my Impending Burnout

      In October 2016 I attended a session for HR professionals where the topic of the day was mental wellness. The idea was someone could be mentally unwell but not necessarily mentally ill. The audience were asked to call out signs which could indicate a person was mentally unwell. I had 11/14 and found another 5 when I got home.

    • Do you over-aside?

      I’ve noticed recently a tendency in myself and others to add layer upon layer of explanation when we are talking. Once I saw it, I realised how counter-productive it is. We think we are helping, but we’re not. Piling up information faster than the recipient can process it. I park my car a few hundred meters from where I work.