A cornerstone of my career reputation has been built on my reliability. When others learn that I deliver what I say I will, on time and to the standard expected, they form a positive opinion of my work practices. In turn, that contributes to their assessment that I can be trusted.

I take very seriously the promises I make to others and my ability to meet them. Should I be wrong, or other circumstances arise, I will manage the commitment rather than let things slide. It’s respectful to do this because others who are relying on what I have said, need to know immediately if the situation changes. This gives them the most opportunity to adjust rather than be pushed into a corner where they have no choices remaining.

There are some unexpected consequences to this Way of Being,

  • I’ll never under-promise and over-deliver to make myself look good.
  • Some no doubt think I’m understating what can be done and may assess a degree of incompetence.
  • I get annoyed when others make promises that are outside of their authority.
  • I get furious if you make promises to others that I will do something without consulting me first and getting my agreement.