4 conversations about this topic.

  • Discworld

    I'm listening to the complete discworld series of audiobooks. All 40 were released across 2022-23 and it will take me much, much longer to listen to them all.

  • Unfinished Tales

    Every now and then I use Amazon/Audible’s Matchmaker tool to see if there are any Kindle books for which I’d like to purchase the audiobook cheaply. Today I picked up Leadership and Self-Deception and The Anatomy of Peace for $9 total. I realised I need to make a list of all the book series I’ve begun and enjoyed but have not yet finished - either because I move onto something else, or because new books have been released.

  • From Audible to my Ears

    This is the process each audiobook transitions through on the way from Audible to my listening ears. Purchase more books on Audible than I possibly have time to listen to. Download and convert to .mdb format using OpenAudible. Automatically import into my “Audiobook” library (as Music) using Plex. Add to a series playlist if relevant.

  • Audibooks

    I love to read, and I read a lot. In recent years however I’ve come to recognise the value in audiobooks as well. I normally only listen to audiobooks of authors I like, or books I’ve read before. There is too much time investment to do otherwise. A 1,000-page book is 40-50 hours. Audiobooks tell the same story at a slower pace and so it’s quite a different experience.